

1 PEP 五年级上册看答句写问句/作文专练

Unit Six:

1. B: Yes, there are some small boats on it. 2. B: There is a mountain in it . 3. B:It’s a school. 4. A:Look ate he beautiful lake. B: I see some boats on the lake. 5. B:Yes.,there is a garden in the park. 6. B: Yes, there is a bridge above the river. 7. B: Yes,there are some trees beside the river. 8. B:There are many birds in the tree. 9. B: Yes, I can see a house near the forest. 10. B: The forest is beside the lake. 11. B: Yes, there are some fish in the river. 12. B: Yes, it’s a nature park. 13. ’s a nature park. 14. B: I can see many people in the nature park.. 15. B: Yes, there is a forest in the park. 16. B: Yes, there is a village beside the river. 17. B: Yes, there are some flowers in my school. 18. B: There are many apples on the tree. 19. B: Yes, I see a house near the forest. 20. B: The building is beside the mountain. 21. 作文:发挥想象,描写你家附近公园的美丽景色。


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