


happy winter holiday


The winter vacation like an arrow will be away from us, but in this holiday and there are many interesting things, let me add a few The imprint is engraved on my heart., unforgettable page calendar.


In thirty years Chinese is a grand festival, in thirty years to come, we are one family but busy. First, prepare special purchases for the Spring Festival but the priority among priorities of things, bought a lot of delicious food, poultry meat and taste everything, and our children love me and firecrackers. Secondly, according to the traditional home, we are one family as a "cleaner", a busy day, the home clean, so that it has the atmosphere of Chinese New year. In this "everything", and I look forward to thirty years to come.


Look forward to the happy winter vacation composition 800 words long thirty years suddenly has arrived, but the task of idle away in seeking pleasure today. "Eat" the premise is to "do", what to eat? Dumplings, of course! But I also hide dumplings task, our one family together to wrap the dumplings, dumplings are still inside the package on a coin, who is said to eat the dumplings with coin, after a year there will be a blessing. Inadvertently New Year's Eve has arrived, we eat dumplings watching the Spring Festival Gala, are very happy. Outside the sound of firecrackers in a continuous line, also brought back my shooting momentum, I brought my mother bought firecrackers, put out in the downstairs, I felt a rising feeling: New Year's day good!


Last night's show, wake up in the morning in the blues, the mother called the call up, my mother suddenly said: "now seems like the gift money?!" I heard, "gift money", immediately jumped up and down from the bed bobbed up. Quickly to the parents say some auspicious words, pay New Year's call, you earn the gift money, happily jumping up and down all day.


Days passed by relatives......


Today is the fifth, and discuss the good parents to look at the Forest Park temple, we fully equipped for one family, father riding his motorcycle, took us to the Forest Park -- Niangliang children. To that, it is called a mountain sea ah! Eat to eat, do activities, people, are mixed together, really called a "lively"! To the temple, is a lively, lion dance, drumming, acrobatics is really beyond count, than a wonderful. Selling snacks, are ethnic customs, Korean rice cakes, Stinky tofu and so on to let people be envious. We left the Forest Park feeling reluctant to part with. I also finished fifth outdoor tour.


This is only a small part of my winter vacation, and most did not give you say, in a word, this winter I have a happy and full.


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