

Types of Pressures on College Students

As we all know, pressure is a major character of our modern life .It is so natural that we have no way to avoid it but to accept .Some may suppose that college students are the ones who have the least pressure,on the contrary ,we college students are confronted with different kinds of pressure.

The pressure is so heavy on us that we can hardly breathe. As far as I am concerned, the pressure from jobs ranks the first .It is well-known that the population is becoming larger and larger, as a result, the number of college graduates is in the same trend .But we can not ignore the fact that jobs are not enough for us .Consequently ,we must meet the pressure from jobs. Along with the pressure from jobs,we are also faced with the economic pressure.On one hand, as we are students,so we do not have time to do enough part-time jobs to support ourselves .On the other hand,we have to turn to our parents for help .There are so many things that we can not ignore that we must face .Other kinds of pressure are as follows .Study,the love for our parents ,the marriage and so on.

As we can notavoid the pressure, we have to adjust ourselves to the competitive society .The most important of all is that,we must have a good attitude to our daily life, to value, and to the world. At the same time, we should try to improve ourselves in different ways to adapt the society which is full of pressure .I have confidence in ourselves.We can finally conquer the world as long as we believe ourselves and have a bright attitude.


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