德伯家的苔丝读后感 英文版



This love story is a tragedy. The hero and the heroine don’t get a happy ending. Both of them have made some mistakes, but it’s really hard to judge who is to be blame for this tragedy. There are some reasons which shouldn’t be ignored for their wrong. Though Tess’s and Angel’s love is full of twists and turns, their love shouldn’t be doubted. Just because they have gone through these tough things, their love can be proved better. No matter how painful the process is, they finally know the true heart of each other. The true love between them made a lot of people feel moved and cry. Their love can be divided into four stages, hazy love, passionate love, uncertain love and unwavering love.

The first stage is in hazy love. Perhaps it’s not really loves which are just some special feelings. It started form the first time when Tess and Angel met. Tess was a 16-year old innocent girl and Angel Clare was still a students. They were both in their best years. In the beginning the story is just like other old-fashioned love story. A beautiful young girl and a handsome young boy met at a party, and there is the club-dance.but they didn’t dance with each other and they missed. Angel danced with others but not with Tess, but he noticed Tess when he had to leave. “This white shape alone stood apart by the hedge alone. From her position he knew it to be the pretty maiden with whom he had not danced. Trifling as the matter was, he yet instinctively felt that she was hurt by his oversight. He wished that he had asked her; he wished that he had inquired her name. She was so modest, so expressive; she had looked so soft in her thin white gown that he felt he had acted stupidly.” At first sight he saw her; he was abstracted by her beauty and felt regretful for his oversight to her and Tess also felt a bit sad. In this moment, some special feelings rooted in their heart and maybe they didn’t realize it. It implies that Angel will meet Tess again and there must be a romantic relationship between them.

The second stage is in passionate love. Some years past, Tess and Angel Clare met again. They met in a dairy by chance. In the dairy Tess changed her mind and gradually forgot her painful past. Angel Clare was like a real angel who gave Tess hope, warm and love. They found the charming of each other and were attracted by

each other. You can feel whether a man truly loves you or just loves your beauty. Though the first impression of a man is very important for your next judgment, it cannot be reason that you fall in love with him so deeply. Feeling is mutual. Tess and Angel could feel how much they loved the other and the other loved them. Angel and Tess fell in love very quickly. For Tess, Angel was a gift from the heaven that saved her form the horrible hell and for Angel; Tess was also a goodness who was so beautiful, decent and pure. They cherished their love very much. Angel went back home to tell his parents that he would marry Tess. He showed great consideration for their marriage and tried to persuade his parents to bless them. If he didn’t love Tess, he won’t give every care to Tess. Though he made mistakes in the future, his love to Tess of this time shouldn’t be doubted. Tess also loved Angel so much. For loving Angel she broke her promises and she didn’t dare to tell Angel her shameful and hopeless past because she was afraid that Angel wouldn’t forgive her. If Tess didn’t love Angel so deeply, she wouldn ’t be afraid of losing him so much. Love is irresistible. Angel proposed many times and Tess received it.

The third stage is in uncertain. After Tess confessed her shameful and painful past, the essence of things had changed. Angel was unwilling to or unable to forgive Tess. He began to doubt his choice. “O Tess, forgiveness does not apply to me the case. You were one person; now you are another. My God-how can forgiveness meet such a grotesque-prestidigitation as that!” “I repeat, the woman I have been loving is not you.”Angel said these cruel words to Tess. But it can’t be the evidence to prove he didn ’t really love Tess and he won’t love Tess any more. He said these words when he was very surprised by the truth and was not rational at that moment. Tess dared to tell Angel her past that showed her believed their love was firm. She knew how much she loved Angel and she thought Angel also loved her deeply. The most impressive plot in this stage is that Angel sleepwalked. What a person dreaming shows a person’s real mind. Angel sleepwalked and he went to Tess’s room. He kissed Tess and carried Tess out of room. “My poor, poor Tess-my dearest, darling Tess! So sweet, so good, so true! ” In the daytime, he controlled his true emotions and feelings. In the night, he his unconscious behavior reflected his true mind that he loved Tess very deeply. The only

pity was that Tess didn’t tell Angel his dream walking. If she had told him, maybe he may realize his heart earlier.

The fourth stage is in unwavering love. After a long period of desperation, Tess and Angel realized how deep their love was. “Because nobody could love ‟ee more than Tess did! She would have laid down her life for „ee. I could do no more.” Tess’s friend Izz told Angel that there was nobody could love Angel more than Tess did. Perhaps Angel hadn’t realized it when he stayed together with Tess. However, when these words were spoken from other girl who was a rival of Tess, they had stronger power to make Angel more sober to their love. Angel and Tess both experienced many terrible things during the period when they were departing. Tess never changed her love for Angel and Angel finally saw his heart. Angel came back for Tess and Tess killed Alec for Angel. Angel no longer cared about Tess ’s past and Tess had never hated him. The poor couple was together again. They spent the last happy time. The dream was consummated. Tess finally got her Angel, her love and the happiest life. “Let her finish her sleep.” He implored in a whisper of the men as they round. This was the last thing that Angel did for Tess. They would be separated forever. Once Tess waked up, she would be arrested and be executed. Though the ending made people can ’t help crying, the couple knew each other’s heart and spent the happiest time. In a sense, it could be regarded a happy ending.

After finished this novel, you will find the story left a great impression on you and the most impressive thing is the love between Tess and Angel Clare. The hazy love, the passionate love, the uncertain love and the unwavering love all make this story become complete and touching. Their love is not as simple as the love of normal traditional love story. It is tied closely with many other things like morality and social rules. It has to face the obstacles from religions and conventional values. It is more precious and firm. Though some people still doubted the love, it does exit and should be cherished.


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