

国贸1001班 周海燕


The XiaoShenKe Redemption "adapted from Stephen king The Different season "included in The "rita haihua silk and xiaoshan g prison Redemption", this book is Stephen king most remembered for bringing outstanding masterpiece, The income of his fourdepartment medium-length novel. Its English version once roll out, that is, on the New York times bestseller list a champion, that year in the United States crazy pin two hundred and eighty thousand books. At present, the book has been translated into 31 languages, and set the collection of four novel have three papers to be adapted into hit movie records. One of the most famous is Oscar seven nominations, known as the most perfect video of the history of the XiaoShenKe redemption ". The novel show Stephen king in good at outside of the subject matter which thriller work force.

So I read this novel three times and wantch the movie four times. I want to introduce the contents of the book.

I guess every state prison and federal prison in the USA. There will be some people like me with my character, no matter what, I can get everything I want. Whether senior cigarettes or marijuana (if you prefer this way words), or get bottle of brandy to celebrate a son or daughter graduated from high school, in short almost anything... I mean, as long as in the reasonable scope, I was responsive; But in many cases are not reasonable. I just twenty years came to shawshank. In the happy family, I admitedwhat I ever do from few people. I'm

国贸1001班 周海燕

2010015141 then her father sent our wedding gift-a Chevrolet camaro car brake on the move arms and legs. Everything is just as my plan. just didn't expect her to stop on the road toride the neighborhood’s wife and her youngest son, they are going to town under the mountain castle. Results the brakes were broken, the speed more and more quickly, rushed to the roadside trees and crashed into a civil war statue of...

After reading this novel, I have much feelings to release, i should think my life again. Obviously,the different situation, depeng the choice, sometimes is death, sometimes is to continue to survive. When confronted with a desperate, how do you choose, death or survive. 20 years time, not everyone can bear, how emotions that can be supposed to support a heart of despair. Sympathy laugh at comfort or a and freedom only one wall poster of bikinis. Endure seemed so difficult, but in fact is that everyone have the potential ability with infinite power, the only difference is that how to use it.Hope is really a good thing .It can made many impossible things be possible .And we also need hope.Why we should study hard?Becausewe hope to find a job someday.Why we should make a contribute to the country?Because we hope to live a good life . Hope is a important thing .It let us know what we should do and who we are.

Hope is never destroyed, after finish this is the main experience. Let us hold a glimmer of hope for life sometimes go very far away...

国贸1001班 周海燕 2010015141 This is largesttouch afterI finished reading this book. The life is so so .


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